PPG – Patient Participation Group

The Cerne Abbas Surgery Patient Participation Group (PPG) meets regularly to discuss matters relating to the patient experience at the Surgery. The full Mission Statement of the PPG is available to view here.

During the COVID outbreak meetings have been postponed, however the Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group publish weekly bulletins for PPG members. The most recent one is available to view here.

You can find the minutes of previous meetings below.

Previous Minutes:
December 2019
September 2019

Meetings are held approximately quarterly. If you would like a subject, suggestion, or concern discussed at the next meeting please complete the form below. If you would like a response sent to you, please include your contact details. You may remain anonymous should you wish, just leave the personal details section blank. This form should not be used to request any medical advice or information.

PPG Submission
Would you like a response? *
How would you like a response?

We are in the final stages of having our website completely redesigned to meet the most recent NHS and Accessibility Standards.
We are expecting the new website to go live by the end of this week. The website address will remain the same (www.cerneabbassurgery.co.uk), so no need to update your bookmarks!
You can see a preview of the new homepage in the picture below – there might be some slight changes between now and when we go live, as well as once it is available to everyone, but the format will remain the same.
Don’t be alarmed if you see this new site – it is really us!

(Click for a larger picture)