
Sexual Health

Both men and women need to look after their sexual health and take time to understand the issues that surround contraception and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

For instance there are some STIs, like chlamydia, that you could be carrying without having any symptoms. This infection can affect fertility, so it’s important to make use of the sexual health services available for free on the NHS.

Useful Resources:

Sexual Health Dorset
Sexual Health Dorset is a local NHS service that offers STI screening, routine and emergency contraception, and services for the LGBT+ community.

Sex & Young People
A comprehensive guide to the questions you may have about sex from the NHS

Sexually Transmitted Infections
Issues, symptoms and treatments

Sexual Health FAQs
Expert answers from a qualified Doctor

Here you’ll find tips for a fulfilling sex life plus advice on STIs, contraception and common sex problems.

FPA – The Sexual Health Charity
Sexual health advice and information on contraception, sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy choices, abortion and planning a pregnancy.

Maternity Matters – Pregnancy Self Referral
Here you will be able to self refer yourself to the local midwifery services. Your GP will also be informed by the midwife team of your referral.

Termination of Pregnancy – Marie Stopes
This free of charge service helps guide you through options related to termination of your pregnancy. They also have a confidential telephone line operational 7 days a week, 24 hours a day – 0345 450 3964.

Advice for LGBT+ Community
Stonewall is a resource for the LGBT+ community to obtain information about sexual, mental, and physical health, as well as legal information such as discrimination help, faith and religion information, and Will writing.


There are so many different types of contraception available that you should be able to find the right method. You may have to try several different things before you choose the one you like most.

Useful Resources

A Family Planning specialist writes about the different types of contraception, the benefits and pitfalls and how effective they are

Contraception – NHS Choices
Information on Contraception from NHS Choices including why, when and how it should be used and with links to other useful resources.

Hormonal Contraception
This factsheet is for women who are taking hormonal contraceptives, or who would like information about them.


Chlamydia is the most commonly diagnosed sexually transmitted infection among under-25s. Often there are no symptoms, but testing and treatment are simple.

Causes and risk factors Chlamydia is usually passed from one person to another during vaginal, oral or anal sex, or by sharing sex toys. It can live inside cells of the cervix, urethra, rectum and sometimes in the throat and eyes.

NHS Choices – focus on Chlamydia
Information, videos and advice from the NHS website

This factsheet is for people who have chlamydia, or who would like information about it.

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