Living Healthy

Smoking, advice and helping you quit


The NHS have produced “Smokefree”, a dedicated service to inform everyone of the dangers of smoking, the benefits to giving up and how they can help you kick the habit.

QUIT is the independent charity whose aim is to save lives by helping smokers to stop. Smokers wanting to QUIT should call 0800 00 22 00 or email[email protected] for free, individual, same-day advice from trained counsellors

Stop Smoking Widget
This tool gives you daily messages, and keeps track of how much you’re saving and how many days it’s been since your last cigarette. Great motivators for staying smokefree.

Eating Well & Exercise – helping you maintain a healthy body

We’re bombarded with scare stories about weight, from size zero to the obesity ‘epidemic’. But a healthy body is determined by different factors for each of us.

Eating well on a budget

NHS – Good Food Guide
Information on a healthy diet and ways to make it work for you

BBC Healthy Living – Nutrition
A good diet is central to overall good health, but which are the best foods to include in your meals, and which ones are best avoided? This section looks at the facts, to help you make realistic, informed choices

Healthy Eating

Diet is the cornerstone of optimal well-being and healthy eating contributes to a long and healthy life. This website provides easy access to nutritional advice and support.


Sebastian Coe: Get active

Maintaining a ‘keep fit’ lifestyle doesn’t have to mean slogging it out in a sweaty gym. Just boosting your levels of general daily activity will reap big rewards in improved health and energy.


NHS – Why be active?
Even a little bit of exercise will make you feel better about yourself, boost your confidence and cut your risk of developing a serious illness.

BBC Healthy Living – Improve your levels of activity
Information and help for young and old about the benefits of increased physical activity & how to go about it!

We are in the final stages of having our website completely redesigned to meet the most recent NHS and Accessibility Standards.
We are expecting the new website to go live by the end of this week. The website address will remain the same (, so no need to update your bookmarks!
You can see a preview of the new homepage in the picture below – there might be some slight changes between now and when we go live, as well as once it is available to everyone, but the format will remain the same.
Don’t be alarmed if you see this new site – it is really us!

(Click for a larger picture)