
NHS Choices Conditions and Treatments

See the NHS Choices Conditions and Treatments browser for an in-depth description of many common health issues.

Childrens Health

There is a good guide on the NHS website which describes various conditions affecting children.  There is advice on how to diagnose them, how to treat them and if further advice should be consulted.

NHS childhood illness slideshow


Most symptoms of a fever in young children can be managed at home with infant paracetamol. If the fever is very high, they may have an infection that needs treating with antibiotics.

Head Lice

Head lice are insects that live on the scalp and neck. They may make your head feel itchy. Although head lice may be embarrassing and sometimes uncomfortable, they don’t usually cause illness. However, they won’t clear up on their own and you need to treat them promptly


Nosebleeds (also known as epistaxis) are fairly common, especially in children, and can generally be easily treated.

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Don’t be alarmed if you see this new site – it is really us!

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